Cosmic Relations
The biggest blessing
The biggest burden
Pour out of his mouth
Every path leads out of town
Homes float on their foundations
The sky has been liquid turmoil
For days
The weirdest taste of
I’ve ever had
Fills every cell in my body
The world smells like
Potential unfurling
Each breath caught
In my chest
Releases a longing
Not yet met
Sadness is washed away
In the storm
Of a life lived
Inside a heavy cloud
When Venus kisses
The sun tonight
I can watch
in sync with the
Signs no one can confirm
once in a lifetime events
In a week
Must be something to this thing called
cheating time and circumstance
she finds some old poems
still containing Real
words spilled from her heart
to the page
distilling essence to be shared
she decides in her own favour
makes a request - a veto
and dissolves the pressure
of a deadline
the party starts
everyone knows the right song to sing
the way to feel in this moment
she extends herself
stretches the window open
to let the butterflies escape
birds cheer at her discoveries
light fills the room
she puts on another pot of coffee
and races back to the attic
there must be more where
that came from
before eating lunch
as the end draws near
she feels relief
that finally what she thought
was true, buried beneath
waves and piles of ‘woe is me’
there is a girl
who still has her feet in the ocean
looking up at hidden stars
in broad daylight
arms outstretched
embracing her immortality
amid strangers on a coastline
before eating lunch
one day in late July
she held onto that
the knowing
through years of storms
and currents that pushed and
pulled on the milky threads
trying to untangle her from
all the greatness and guidance
flowing through her spirit
she opens her eyes and sees once again
the great ships waiting in the horizon
the colorful pebbles beneath her feet
birds circling with wisdom
light surrounding her
lifting the sand from her eyes
revealing her Delighted Essence
just in time
{June 2012}
Cleaning House
I feel like
If I keep starting at the front of the house
Over and over
Seeking out cobwebs and weeds
Clearing clutter
Reorganizing found objects
I will never be done
Never see the backyard and all the
That’s piled up
While I was making my face
Look pretty
Caffeinated states
Arouse strange suspicions
Paranoia at 10 am is a perfectly insane example
The coffee perks up possibilities of sabotage
and missing keys
Of sudden jerky displays of bodily
Caffeinated states
Push through the dull ache of lectures and
afternoon naptime
Rushing our senses through the mushy fog of
dehydration and the need for a chunk of fruit
We flock to the headquarters on each corner
Bruising bumpers and cracking cars open on
It’s all a blur in our
Caffeinated states
The urgency to refill, remove the void of
clarity and conscious choice from our grey matter
We joke about it at the water cooler
With mugs and takeout cups substituting for the
real thing
Anxious to fit in, say the right things, get
the right combination of cream and sugar for the boss
Caffeinated states start young
Take our agile minds and warp them into a
laboratory rat’s learned response
We filter nothing
Buy the cheapest grinds
Use any water we can find
Take it all for granted
Are offended by the time it takes to brew
another cup
To keep our
Caffeinated states
Brewing through another busy day.
A mind struggling to find logic
The SPIRIT saying
Let It Be
The body caught between
Emoting thought and wholeness
Beneath the appearance of separate
All reflect and are each other
No thought is alone
We are not alone with our thoughts
They come to One from the Many
It is our desire to stand out
Beyond the crowd that
separates us
From ourselves
Denies our true nature
As one uni
a song of ONE for ONE
one song is all there is
is all we are
you and I are not different
we belong
Yearn for yourself
Sing to the moon
Be warmed by the sun
Ease into the chorus
Embrace the melody
We are one
{May 2012}
Body Break
It’s like gathering the sounds
Tucking your necessities into a
Car and escaping the hum
The buzz and chatter of
Electrically operated machines
And gadgets
Long enough to hear the
Pulse again
To remember and realize
Its humbling
Nurturing -
Effects on your soul
As you breathe in the crisp air
Right off the lake
Sense the elements piling
Themselves into your skin
In microbial bits of dust and ash
As you feel life flow into you
And mingle
With the fresh air and cold beer
You begin to reimagine
Your nature
Your place in nature
The natural place for you
In the vacation paradise
Of earth
Your destination for
Soul searching adventures
A Polite Thank You
In a girlish little voice
The woman still
At the response
To her voice
Her vision
Alive in the world
Despite -
In respite -
Of all her silent, unsung
Girlhood dreams
Lost, abandoned
Crushed on the other shore
The woman consents to acknowledge her reality
{after listening to Sarah McLachlan on youtube. . .}
8 years from now
I could be singing in the choir
Of modern angels
Doing real work
On the earth
I could be writing my soul
On cave walls
On dining room tables
On people
I could be crying
Alone and with others
my heart wide open
I could be quilting
Fusing fabrics and
Colors and love
In a tizzy of joy
I could be laughing
With friends
My growing children
My life mate
All the way home
I could be me
I could be
Working it all out
my real live Technicolor dreams
Inspired by this lovely blog post by Leonie
{May 31, 2012}
Over and over
The robin reminds me to
Tend my nest
Weave the words
Be ready be joyful