Saturday, August 2, 2014

Begin Again

Begin again
In the spiral of nothingness
To gravitate
To grieve
To gratify the immortals
To be guided towards greatness by the whisper of the wind
To wallow thoroughly in your humanness
To dig your knees deep into the ground

Begin again
At the altar or pew
In dark, the dusk, the candlelight will do

Begin again
To feel the ground beneath your feet
To smell the sea in the air
To see your breath through the tears
To remember that once again
To begin again
You must sense the timing and the meaning

We stumble onto our knees
Desperate to be released from our own stubbornness
Our pride – the last ditch effort to outdo the universe
Thinking only we can provide control and collide

The ground is hard and comforting
A railing – perhaps a tree or a bed – holds us up
Through the night we ache
To be nature – natural again
To feel with our senses the sensual pattern of nature
The ebb and flow of knowingness – willingness
To turn with the tide instead of against it

To breathe in the air instead of trying to keep it out of our lungs
To escape into the dark – to find meaning here in the silence and
Imagery of the soul

Earth longing for herself within the willing spirit of a mortal

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